Due: Wednesday 12/15 8:00 am

Create a Persistent Single Server/Client System

  • Start with the handshake code from the previous assignment. You should not need to modify the handshake functions in pipe_networking.c.
  • Modify the following programs:
    • Server
      • Starts the handshake.
      • After a successful handshake, continuously receives data from the client, processes it, and sends back the correct response.
      • You can replace “process” with whatever you used in assignment 18/19.
      • When a client disconnects, handshake should start again awaiting a new client.
    • Client
      • Starts the handshake
      • After a successful handshake, prompts the user for input, sends it to the server, awaits a response and displays that.
    • Both client & server should exit with ctrl-c.
    • Optional extensions
      • Signal handling ctrl-c in client & server to gracefully exit.
      • Modifying client to exit upon a specific entered value.