Due: Friday 12/10 8:00 am

Master Plumbing

Design a program that uses named pipes to facilitate separate process communication.

  • In order to facilitate 2 way communication, you will need 2 pipes.

  • Take the parent/child design from assinment 18, and modify it to use 2 files and named pipes.

  • User interface program (formerly parent)
    • Create both pipes
    • constantly prompts a user for input
    • sends that input to worker program
    • waits for a response
    • displays the response to the user
  • Worker program (formerly child)
    • gets input from user interface program.
    • “processes” the input
      • this could be any of a number of string processes (all caps, all lower, reverse, rot13…).
    • sends the resposne to the user interface program