Due: Thursday 4/11 10:00am

Submission name: w18_treeStats

For this, you will need the TreeNode and Tree classes, which you can get here: https://github.com/nextcs-dw/dwsource/tree/main/TreeBasic

Make the following modifications to your Tree class (reminder to keep your base cases to null to make your code simpler):

  • Add wrapper methods for display(), preOrder(), inOrder(), and postOrder().
  • countNodes(TreeNode current)
    • Return the total number of nodes in the tree rooted at current.
    • Also include the wrapper function countNodes()
  • getHeight(TreeNode current)
    • Return the height of the tree rooted at current.
    • Remember that the height may not be the same as the value of numLevels.
    • Also include the wrapper function getHeight()
  • Display the number of nodes and height in setup()
