Due: Monday 4/15 10:00am

GitHub link: https://classroom.github.com/a/Q6Im1tNe

Note: If you are working in c, I have provided a basic stack library that you can use.

Time to implement a relative coordinate system… system, add/modify your current parser so it has the following behavior:

  • push
    • Push a copy of the current top of the coordinate system (cs) stack onto the cs stack (a full copy, not just a reference to the current top… I’m looking at you python and java people)
  • pop
    • Removes the top of the cs stack (nothing needs to be done with this data)
  • move/rotate/scale
    1. create a translation/rotation/scale matrix
    2. multiply the current top of the cs stack by it
    3. The ordering of multiplication is important here.
  • box/sphere/torus
    1. add a box/sphere/torus to a temporary polygon matrix
    2. multiply it by the current top of the cs stack
    3. draw it to the screen
    4. clear the polygon matrix
  • line/curve/circle
    1. add a line to a temporary edge matrix
    2. multiply it by the current top
    3. draw it to the screen (note a line is not a solid, so avoid draw_polygons)
    4. clear the edge matrix
  • save
    • save the screen with the provided file name
  • display
    • show the image
  • Also note that the ident, apply and clear commands no longer have any use and can be removed.