Due: Wednesday 02/07 10:00am

GitHub link: https://classroom.github.com/a/1dLVu8y-

Makefile: Addition for 2/6

  • Add a makefile .
  • The makefile should be called makefile.
  • Entering make in the command line should compile (if necessary), run the program, and display the image.
  • Makefile help
  • The makefile should invoke whatever is needed to compile and/or run your program.
  • The makefile should then display the image, ideally, use the display imagemagick command. If display doesn’t work, open should do the trick.

  • Basic makefile examples:
default: run

Main.class: Main.java
  javac Main.java

run: Main.class
  java Main
  display image.ppm

default: run

run: main.py
  python main.py
  display image.ppm

python note: when I run python I get python 3.x, some people have needed to use python3 instead of python.

default: run

main.o: main.c
  gcc -c main.c

picmaker: main.o
  gcc -o picmaker main.o

run: picmaker
  display image.ppm

Time for your first computer generated image:

  1. Create a program that generates a valid ppm image file, it should be at least 500x500, but also don’t make it too big (remember, each pixel is stored as up to 12 bytes - 3 for each color value - so a 1000x1000 image could be 12MB large, they get big fast).
    • To submit the assignment, you need to click on the assignment link above. It will create a repository for you. Do all your work in that repository.
    • Your repository will have 3 files in it, one in python, once in java and one in c. Each file is a small sample program that will create and write a file named image.ppm. You can either use the provided programs or make your own.
  2. Save, commit & push your changes to the cloned repository
  3. Convert your image to a png and upload it to the Graphics gallery website: http://gallery.stuycs.org
    • For help with converting, you could install ImageMagick
    • on ubuntu: $ apt-get install imagemagick
    • on mac:
    • on windows… installing ubuntu and running apt-get install imagemagick will work, but there may be other options as well. WSL seems promising for many.
    • For more detailed instructions (including building and installing it on your own): http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php
    • You can also log into any stuy machine remotely, and run convert on them. * Once you’ve installed image magic, you can convert with the following command:
    • $ convert <source> <destination>
    • example: $ convert foo.ppm foo.png
    • The destination format will be automatically set based on the file extension.
  4. You must submit your code via github repository and upload an image to the gallery.